Seashore Home Fragrance & Fabric Freshener 250ml


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HK$ 176.00

AGift With Care Home Fragrance & Fabric Freshener - Not just a home fragrance, but also a fabric freshener to deodorize and disinfect fabrics against unpleasant smells.

• Deodorize: Effectiveness tested against a wide range of malodorous odours such as tobacco, sulphurous smells, kitchen and bathroom odour.
• Disinfect: It contains antibacterial and disinfecting agents, eliminating up to 99.9% bacteria eectively.
• A water-based product slows down evaporation.
• Safe and non-toxic, free from colouring and harsh chemicals.

AGift Wtih Care 家居香薰 - 織物除菌消臭噴霧,不僅是一種香味噴霧,還是一種織物清新劑,可對織物進行除臭和消毒,及除難聞的氣味。

• 除臭:針對多種惡臭氣味(如煙草味、硫磺味、廚房和浴室氣味)。
• 消毒:抗菌消毒,可有效殺滅高達99.9% 的細菌。
• 全水性產品。
• 安全無毒,不含色素和刺激性化學品。

With waves crashing against the shoreline, the sea calls on your name. Pick seashells and bury your feet in soft, warm sand while the sea breeze embraces you.

海浪拍打著海岸線,大海呼喚著你。 採摘貝殼,將腳埋在柔軟溫暖的沙灘上,海風擁抱著您。

Suitable for 建議場所: Kitchen, Bathroom, Car, Bedroom, Living room 廚房,浴室,汽車,臥室,居室
Character 風格: Fresh & floral 清新花香
Top Notes 前調: Green, Orange, Bamboo, Apple, Herbal, Melon 青草,橘子
Middle Notes 中調: Jasmine, Geranium, Rose, Muguet, Raspberry 茉莉,天竺葵,玫瑰,鈴蘭,紅桑子
Base Notes 基調: Vanilla, Patchouli, Sandal Wood, Amber, Moss, Musk 香草,廣藿香,檀香,琥珀,苔蘚,麝香

Tips for Home Fragrance & Fabric Freshener 使用小貼士
Spray fabric until slightly damp and more on stubborn odours.

For delicate fabrics, please test on inconspicuous areas first.